Queer Kinky Christ

KJ Song
5 min readFeb 26, 2021

A Hot Perspective on Jesus

Let’s face it: Jesus was really sexy.

How could they not be? All those visionary powers, inspiring/caring for thousands of people, those mad carpentry/building skills?! Jesus had it going ON. The Jesus I know was/is a sexual being just like we are…in ways we could all learn from. So who are we to turn a blind eye to their sacred sexual human nature? Don’t you dare pigeonhole Jesus into this picture of a celibate little white boy. NAH!! Jesus loves all of you, so what if YOU loved all of THEM, including their sexy side?

Jesus was a challenger. They directly challenged the status quo at every turn. I bet they’d be delighted to see more of us question what we’ve been taught (namely by white heteronormative media) about who they were… so let’s do just that.

  1. Nonbinary.

First, you may notice I am referencing Jesus by saying “they”. That’s right: who the fuck are WE to say is Jesus referred to Jesus-self as “He”? Do we assume that just because Jesus probably had a dick? How limiting. Do we assume that just because that’s how it’s written in the Bible (where some translations were likely “written” by people socialized as men who were more interested in keeping people under control than *actual* liberation)? If anyone would be gender transcendent and understand/embody the multidimensional truth of nonbinary-ness… it’d be Jesus.

2) Queer.

Second, Jesus was helllllllla queer. Because as we all know, queerness is not just about who you’re having sex with, it’s about so much more than that. Your politics, your “you-ness”, your “is-ness” expanding and shifting the status quo, living outside any normal scope and creating new realities. Jesus was all about that kind of acceptance and love. Jesus hung out with the outcasts. With the prostitutes and the poorest of the poor. Jesus thrived on the outskirts because they were a visionary with a strong mission and assignment to change the course of history. Let’s remember the origin of this term- which is simply to be strange or odd (fits the bill). Can you completely and totally define queerness? Didn’t think so. And if there’s one thing Jesus loves being, it’s undefinable.

3) Kinky.

Third, is this not obvious? They were kinky AF! Nailed to a cross? Are you kidding?! If that isn’t some advanced next level dungeon shit, I don’t know what is. Pain and pleasure. Blood and surrender. Fucking with people’s perception of reality and getting off on it… with the whole intention of changing lives for the better. Oh yes my friend, Jesus was the ultimate sub to the ultimate Daddy/Dom: God.

(And while we’re at it let’s go ahead and center the FACT that Jesus was a brown-skinned human. All those photos of some pasty-ass cherub child are absolute hogwash. They were BORN IN THE MIDDLE EAST, no way where they white.)

They love and believe in our human nature/innate erotic power so much that they provided a powerful, kinky example at the cross.

People LOVE the cross story because people love gory, magick kinky shit (ummmm hello Game of Thrones and 90% of Netflix). The intensity of that story meets a need in us: a need to deeply FEEL. It turns us on to imagine that level of sacrifice because part of our kinky little brains LONG for that level of surrender. We WANT to be dommed by God SO BAD…but a lot of us wouldn’t necessarily use that language yet. We want to feel something deeply SO MUCH and this story gives us a window into the courage, bravery and badassness that we all have and long to feel more of within ourselves.

We WANT God to tell us what to do, too.

We WANT to love something so much that we’d put our lives on the line for it.

We WANT that feeling of someone else being in control and watching over us and giving us instructions because it’s just too much to try and figure it all out by ourselves.

So why not be more open about it? Why not slow down, open up and have a little more fun with Jesus? Why not call it what it really is: A sexy, kinky partnership with your gender fluid bestie/ role model who loves every part of you and will stop at nothing to see you free and thriving.


“Jesus of the People” painting by Janet McKenzie

So how does all of this challenge/change your perception?

Have you ever put Jesus upon some totally fabricated pedestal of “purity” thinking they never thought about sex and pleasure? If so you are missing out on knowing a whoooooole juicy beautiful part of your relationship with them.

We’d be kidding ourselves if we said our intrigue around Jesus isn’t at least partially driven by our own erotic, kinky curiosities.

Who IS this person who says they will love me no matter what?

Who IS this fit carpenter who can walk on water and defy gravity?

Who IS this healer?!

How can I get to know them better?

WHAT IF Jesus is tired of us seeing them through these white-washed, normy eyes? What if they are asking us to see them for who they really are: a reflection of us…ALL of us?And yes, that means the kinkiest, queerest, weirdest and most mystical parts. Jesus would say love and embrace it all. So imagine this sexy visionary with penetrating eyes inviting you into the hottest scene you will ever participate in: YOUR LIFE.

Why does this matter?

Because leaning into a fresh, sex positive perspective of Jesus offers us a massive opportunity for collective healing and growth. We are all being asked to see and hear one another FULLY right now. The light, the shadow, the parts we like, the parts we don’t, the shame, the fantasies…all of it. We’re being asked to do this exploration with one another and not judge any books by their covers. So let’s not judge Jesus by the book. That is to say: don’t let the Bible limit your capacity for your relationship with Jesus. Lean ON the word when you need it absolutely… then go the extra mile and lean IN to an active, present, living breathing relationship with your gorgeously hot, humble yet powerful friend.

Just be prepared for your feathers to be ruffled…because THAT’S when you really fly.


Does this strike a truth-chord in you? Want to be in deep community with other queer kinky folx who love God and wanna SING IT OUT? You’re not alone. Click here to get on the waitlist for Big Gay God: A Wildly Inclusive LGBTQ+ Music Ministry, coming right into your internet-portal this spring. In the meantime, enjoy these inclusive original hymns.



KJ Song

KJ Song (they/them). Queer Music Minister, Kinky Praise & Worship Leader, Lover of a Wildly Inclusive God.